These are some useful gCloud commands that I like to keep separate (gCloud compute, gCloud projects, gCloud IAM) - Also read Best Practices around GCP Service Accounts

gCloud projects - to Bind ALL resources within a project to an identity

To grant access to ALL project resources (of a type) to the specified identity (which can be a service account)

gCloud compute - to bind a SINGLE compute resource to an identity

gCloud IAM - to grant the editor role to a SA 

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
[email protected] \
--member='serviceAccount:[email protected]' \

gCloud IAM - list all service accounts

gcloud iam service-accounts list --> Will show you the newly created SA


Now , to bind a SINGLE storage bucket to an identity, you need to use gsUtil and not gCloud

Single Storage bucket binding to IAM user - gsutil

gsutil iam ch user:[email protected]:storageAdmin gs://ex-bucket