Archives for GCP Networking - Page 4
Cloud SQL Proxy to Connect to Cloud SQL
Create a VM to serve as your proxy instance. SSH onto the instance Download the Cloud SQL Proxy and make it executable: wget -O cloud_sql_proxy && chmod +x cloud_sql_proxyConnection String…
Google Private Access, Private Instances, Private Subnets
Also read - Private Subnets in GCP and Azure Private Links versus Private EndpointsIn this post, we will create a VPC network (with a custom private subnet), some firewall rules…
Picking the right region for your cloud workload
Why would your data not reside closest to the end user? Cost - Often, regional compute costs (international regions) outweigh other factors GDPR and Data Sovereignty Laws (Data cannot persist…
Why not have a single shared VPC for PROD and NON PROD
Shared VPC - Per Environment? The Shared VPC will contain part of your application resources within subnets. Say you use a PROD and a PREPROD subnet within the shared VPC…
VPC Endpoints in AWS and Private Google Access in GCP
Also read - Private Subnets in GCP and Azure Private Links versus Private Endpoints How does a compute instance access public PaaS services ( a storage bucket or a cloud…
Subnet to Subnet Routes and Routing Tables in GCP
(Also read, Routing across a peered VPC in GCP ) Routes belong to a project (actually, to a network that belongs to a project) The first thing to understand is…
Peered VPCs in GCP and Exchanging of Routes (Automatic Routes Exchange)
How does GCP Routing work for a peered VPC? A router is part of the peering connection. A router gets spun up by default, which allows route exchange. Using a…
Why does a Second Network Interface get its own VPC in GCP
Why does a second network interface require a separate VPC (subnet in a separate VPC) to attach to? The reason has to do partly with the way routes are inherited…
Fewer Subnets with Larger Address Spaces – Best Practices for VPC Subnetting in GCP
Subnets and Routes work differently in GCP, partly due to the global nature of GCP VPCs. Group applications into fewer subnets with larger address ranges Unlike other networking environments in…
Native GCP Firewall and Firewall Rules
Firewalls in GCP vs AWS AWS SGs are only ALLOW rules. For DENY, you need to go to NACLs GCP full blown FW rules -allow and deny, just like on…