Archives for Google Cloud Security
Pass Through (Network) Load balancers and GKE Ingress Firewall Rule
Overview If you created a GKE service that allows external access, you will be surprised to see a few firewall rules (at the VPC level) created automatically for you. Some…
GCP – Failed SSH Attempts
Use Case - monitor for failed SSH attempts and alert based on failures Log based alerts would be needed - there is no built in metric for failed SSH attempts.…
Public Access Prevention Org Policy GCP
Org Policy - Public Access Prevention It is a best practice to enable this constraint at the top Organization Level. If projects need to override it, they can. But by…
Cloud DLP – De identify Sensitive Data in GCP
To deidentify sensitive data, you need to replace the data with cryptographic tokens. The GCP service that helps you accomplish this is called Cloud DLP (Cloud data loss prevention).
Scanning for Vulnerabilities on GCP
There are two services you can use Web Security Scanner - this will scan your application (hosted either on App Engine or Compute Engine) for vulnerablities - outdated libraries, hackable…
Edge Security on GCP
What is edge security? When the security rails are deployed closer to the user, it is called Edge Security Should I use VPC Service Controls? Not so. These controls prevent…
Compute Engine Restrict Access – restrict service accounts in GCP
Two relevant roles to assign to IAM user - Compute Instance Admin and Service Account User. , Note the prefixes on these two. The instanceAdmin is related to the COMPUTE…
Changing Client IPs? Use this solution in GCP
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Prisma Policies and Alerts for GCP
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Dry Run Mode for VPC Service Controls
Setup dry run mode for VPC Service Controls Step 1 - Define your VPC Service Controls, and implement in dry run mode Step 2 - Monitor GCP logs to check…