Also Read AWS S3 Basics and Quick Recap and Protecting Data in AWS S3 buckets

API Access for Different Storage Classes

Storage Classes in GCP - All classes have the same API (in contrast to storage classes in AWS - Glacier has a different API than regular S3)

  • Standard - Short Term Storage and Frequent Access
  • Nearline - Backups, once a month access
  • Coldline - DR and less than once a quarter
  • Archive - Digital Preservation of data


Changing Storage Classes and Buckets

Storage Classes for an object can be  modified using the rewrite gsutil option

gsutil -m rewrite -s coldline gs://your-bucket/**

Objects can also be moved from one bucket to  another bucket.

Many ways to Access a Storage Bucket or Object

many ways to access a cloud storage bucket
many ways to access a cloud storage bucket

Signed URLs to access a bucket or an object

Ticket is a signed (cryptographically signed) URL

HTTP GET, PUT, DELETE (not POST) specified within the ticket

Anyone with the ticket can perform the actions

Example : Use your private account key (p12 key) to sign a bucket object

gsutil signurl -d 10m path/to/privatekey.p12 gs://bucket/object

Change Notifications ( on object state change)

Whenever an object is added / deleted - one can trigger a Pub Sub Notification

Synchronize Folders with Bucket

HA Cloud SQL Multi Zones

Data Import Options

Transfer Appliance

Storage Transfer Service

Object lifecycle Management Policies

  • Downgrade Storage Class on objects older than 12 months
  • Delete objects created before a certain date
  • Keep only 2 most recent versions of an object

99.9% SLA = 44 minutes per month

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