Firewall rules are defined at the VPC level (so ignore all the default firewall rules as they only apply to the default VPC).

For your custom VPC, to create a new rule (say ingress allow 80 and 443 traffic), you would create a new rule.

How do I apply this new rule to my compute instance in the VPC?

While creating the rule, you are offered a 'target' option. This is how you target either individual instances or ALL instances in the network (default).

Via Terraform

resource "google_compute_firewall" "sg_appliance" {

  name    = "${var.environment}-proxy-firewall"

  network = "${}"

  allow {

    protocol = "icmp"


  allow {

    protocol = "tcp"

    ports    = [ "22", "443" ]


   source_ranges = [ "" ] // for testing

  //source_ranges = ["${var.restricted_src_address}"]  // for real


Firewall rules in GCP are defined at a network level and applied at instance levels. To apply a rule to an instance or to ALL INSTANCES, simply use the TARGET option when defining the rule. By default, the target includes ANY and ALL instances within the network.

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