Author Archives: anuj - Page 13
Prisma versus Native CSPM Alerting on GCP and AWS
Native Vulnerability and Misconfiguration Monitoring Tools run for a longer period of time - and capture account level events that may not be captured by Prisma and external CSPM tools.…
AWS SSO Groups and Root Users
Discourage use of local accounts and encourage SSO Groups. With SSO Groups, access can be granted either across multiple accounts or to individual accounts, using Permission Sets. SSO Groups and…
No Ingress EC2 Instances, Public IPs on EC2s
AWS allows for a no-ingress EC2 instance, that can only be accessed via Systems Manager. This is the recommended best practice. Also read - Identity Aware Proxy on GCP for…
Use Firewall Policies in GCP along with Firewall Rules
Default Firewall Rules exist at the VPC level and are applied to any VM created in a default VPC. In addition to the firewall rules, GCP has something called Firewall…
How Google Load Balancers are different
Google's Global Load Balancer vs. DNS Load Balancing DNS Load Balancing is tricky. For an app hosted in multiple regions, each region essentially gets an IP address that is unique…
Finding resources in GCP using gCloud
To quickly find all resources within a project or even a parent org, we can use asset manager and resource manager API in GCP. Passing in a Project name gcloud…
Moving Projects and Billing Accounts under an Organization
It is common to end up with projects that are NOT under a specific org. Same for the billing for those projects. In order to move them under an organization,…
GCP Firewall Rules Best Practices
Also read : Service Accounts as a superior way to do Firewall Rules in GCP and Firewall Policies in GCP Which Rules apply where? For Load Balancers? Cloud Armor is…
Cloud SQL Private and Public IP – GCP
Connections to Cloud SQL Authentication (local or domain joined) Public IP Connectivity to Cloud SQL For extra security, consider using the Cloud SQL proxy to connect to your instances after…
Hosting a website with CDN on GCP Cloud Storage
Also read, external backends for Cloud CDN To host a website using GCP's Cloud CDN, here are the steps - as well as some gotchas. Only an IAM action (Add…